Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Good first dates are not a myth!

Dating. Wow, I know. Back on the dating scene again, my god it's a scary world to be in. You hear so many horror stories eminating around the world about how awful first dates can be, how there were awkward silences, and you didn't know what to do, or how you should act. Well! I am here to tell you that there is a different side to first dates!
The other night I went on my first date in a long, long time. I was so nervous, yet I had started talking to a pleasant boy, and he asked me out on a date. I of course agreed, and thought nothing more of it, until a few hours before.
I suddenly got stupidly nervous, and thought I was going to hurl. I was stood in the shower hyperventilating. What was I doing? I don't know how to date! I've been on about three dates in my life, and I had no idea what I was doing.
Dragging all of my clothes onto my bed I started to try on dress after dress, trying to find something that I thought was acceptable. I'd find something I liked and then I would change my mind and throw it in the corner, swearing at it as it fell.
I started doing my make up and hair, and then changing it with each outfit I put on. I was an utter mess. It took me three hours to get ready, and that makes a massive change from the girl who takes 20 minutes tops. The only way I decided that I looked okay was when my friend kncoked on my door and simply said, you look gorgeous. Go like that. With a sigh I decided that it was probably best if I stayed the way I was, seeming as I had  5 minutes until he was meant to arrive.
So I was a mess. First dates are always bad. Always. I had heard the stories, read the books, watched the films. I knew this wasn't going to go well. Well ladies and gentlemen, what followed was a night of laughter and fun.
Not an awkward silence at all. There was constant talking and fits of laughter. I had an amzing night, with lovely company and I would quite happily do it all over again.
So it made me think, how many people have allowed nerves to stop them going on that date, meeting that person. Well folks, I can assure you, dating is not bad at all. You may well get that odd date that doesn't go to plan, but hey that is life! But if you enjoy talking to this person, and you don't run out of things to say over text, then why should it be any different in real life? Get to know them and if all goes to plan and they ask you, then say yes!
You may just find the lover of your dreams, or even just a good friend. It's not wrong to be scared, hell I was! But don't let it stop you living your life!

So, have confidence folks, it may just work out!


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