Sunday 18 August 2013

Clingy boys! Pah! Prepare for a rant!

Okay Okay, side bar everyone. All of you soppy, emotional men. The ones who constantly check up on the girl who they like, the ones who make dramas over nothing, the ones who are clearly single for a reason, come close...and let me slap it out of you! I mean seriously, if I have to deal with another stalkerish, dramatic boy i'm going to rip my hair out. Yes this post is another trademark rant (Yet again with no paragraphs due to my rubbish computer). Recently I have had to deal with so many soppy, emotional boys that it's driving me insane. Men, you were born with balls! Why do you constantly forget you have them? Here are a few examples of what I have had to put up with recently. The first boy. Lets call him "Groucho". Well Groucho and I got very close, and decided to become friends with benefits. Let's be honest, we all do it at some point. Well a little while after, as always feelings get involved. He started to like me more and more, and I started to look at him as more of a project. He was down in the dumps, and needed help. He needed someone to drag him from the hole in which he had become accustomed to, but it seemed the more I tried to help him, the more he took it as love. So recently, as I lay in bed I recieved a text message with the usual beckon call from him of - "Come for a hug Jacqui". Well like usual he asked me at the wrong time, and I was in the middle of a film. I said no, i'll give you one later. To which he usually replies with "You better", but this time, he didn't. He said "Fine, well don't bloody bother asking me ever again". I sat there staring at my phone in confusion. What the hell was going on? He was my fudge buddy! He wasn't meant to come out with that! Well he didn't reply to any of my texts after that, and has admittedly avoided me. I have heard him crying in his room, and he has told a few people of our relationships demise. What relationship? So sitting there, I turned to my friend for advice. The second, of the soppy trio. Let's call him "Sparkles". Well I have known Sparkles for years, since back in my college days. Back then I had a massive crush on him, he was tall dark and mysterious. He didn't want a relationship, and he pushed me back "for my own good" every time I made a move, which of course back in the day only made me want him more. He has been a close friend of mine for a long time, and for years there was heat between us. Recently though, this boy opened up. Big time. He told me he loved me, that he wanted to break the years of not being with anyone to be in a relationship with me, he calls and texts none stop and constantly wants to spend time with me. I personally think it's because I lost a huge amount of weight, and actually have a brain on my shoulders now. I outsmart him, and am actually rejecting him. Not the childish girl I used to be. Though now he has revealed all of this, the heat has evaporated and i'm actually annoyed by his presence. I mean what happened? He was the wise, smart friend who I constantly went to advice with, the one who used to laugh at being a in a relationship, and now he's talking about marriage? Hell no! I mean this boy has never even had sex with me, and he is like this. I hate to imagine what he would be like if we did! Now I can't shake him, he is like a bad smell. He asked if we could come up with a deal. No sex, no kissing, no hugging anyone else, until I came up with a decision. I'll repeat myself, Hell no! This boy knows the answer, and yet is holding onto some hope that i'd still stay faithful to someone I want as a friend? Ach! Now his funny rants don't entertain me, they annoy me. His hugs aren't as a friends that comfort you, they are as a crushes that make me uncomfortable. I genuinley miss having this guy as a friend, but that's broken, for now at least. Now the third. A person you have all heard loads about. If you smart enough to make a link, then bravo. Let's call him "Fields". Well fields, and I have been close friends for a while, but after some issues where he was banished to a friendzone, he has become clingy. To the point of pure annoyance. When we don't speak for a day, he's messaging my friends to see if i'm okay. Look, i'll say what me and my best friend agree. Friends don't have to speak everyday to be friends. As long as they are there when you need them. This lad however believes you MUST talk everyday, unless you are killed, kidnapped or tortured. My friends got sick of him which was causing tension between me and them, which sent me over the edge. I am not, and have never been with this boy, yet he was like this? It pushed it too far for me, which is currently causing a barney. The point I am trying to make is, lads! I understand that you have feelings, that sometimes emotions rule over judgement, trust me I know, but restraining orders were made for a reason! If you start a fling with a girl, that is for all purpose fun, don't then turn into a hormonal wife demanding more without even discussing it. If you like a girl, let her know without making her wish she had never opened her mouth years ago. If you can't get over your friend zone, or even if you like a girl to the point of worrying over her where abouts, don't go causing arguments with her friends, pestering them for her schedule. They don't care, and neither does she. I honest to god miss the days where you could have fun with a guy, you could go out drinking and dancing. Laughing all night, without having the repurcussions afterwards. I miss the days you could be on the same page as the person you liked, so you didn't feel the need to, let's call it what it is, STALK eachother! Take a girl out for a date sure! Just make it fun, not like an anniversary meeting of the few days you have known eachother (whether it feels like you have known eachother for years or not!). Remember, if the woman isn't being soppy and emotional, then why are you? Do not get me wrong, if you love someone tell them, if you have feelings then show them, just don't force the girl in the corner and surround her by it until she crumples. I recently had a date with a lad, who took me out for a few drinks. We had so much fun, and laughed all night. It ended with a great kiss and we both agreed that there would be a second. We started to meet up whenever he was in the area, and would chat. It was going well, until recently. The reason I agreed to the first date was that I made a bargain with him 3months earlier. Get off the drugs, and I would go on ONE date with him. He was a bad boy and was literally ruining his life with them. Facing prison sentences, banned from the town, but he took it in. Three months later he had sobered up completely, and rang me up. I was in shock, he looked amazing and healthy. Of course I happily agreed to it, and the sober him was amazing. I found I could have an intellectual converstaion with him, which is thoroughly lacking in most people these days. Though the other day, due to family circumstance, in his emotional stress he reached for the drugs and fell back into the hole he dragged himself out of. Instead of telling me, he cowarded out of it. He ignored me, and decided to avoid me. This is the thing lads. While you are crying to the person that you just met that you want 5 children with them, you are automatically trying to please them. So when something bad actually happens, you are faced with two decisions. Be honest and hurt them. Or avoid and lie. I know which one every girl would rather have. Arguments can be finished, and are healthy. Lying isn't! So men! All of you, get your hand and put them down your boxers. Feel those things? They are called balls! Don't forget you have them, and man the hell up! No one wants an emotional shadow, whether you are male or female! So remember my golden rule! Let them know your feelings by all means, but if your actions can be put on a restraining order? You should probably back off! Oh, and if you are avoiding someone because you have done something you shouldn't? Be a man and tell them! We are more forgiving than you would think! - Chann

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