Friday 12 July 2013

Damn enter key!

Well my fabulous readers, it is time for another post! Although thanks to my dodgy computer, it will no longer let me press the enter key, so yes that means no paragraphs! It annoys me just as much as you, but until I fix it I hope you'll forgive me! ... So today ladies,this one is aimed at you! Today, yet again I have been faced with another heartbroken girl, another girl crying in her pillow about being broken hearted by a guy. Apparently this time this guy of hers, lets call him Bob (Yes I know it's a stereotypical name, but hey! Who doesn't like the name bob) had been chatting to some girl over facebook, where most problems happen, and he had arranged to meet up with this hussy of a girl behind her back. Well my friend, (Let's call her Jane...Yes I know) was of course devastated! As the good friend, I of course gave her advice as any friend would, but this is not an advice post on break ups today, Oh no. It was bound to happen! This is a post on knowing what is good for you! Seriously girls! If he has cheated on all of his exes before you, and has a track record for it, Oh, and told you that he was not ready to settle down; What makes you think you can make him change? The reason Bob doesn't feel guilty, is because he warned her before. She knew how he felt, and how he was going to act, yet she pushed for it anyway. I mean seriously, what is it with you girls? Yes Yes I know, I have told you all my thing for bad guys, but there truly is a limit. I have a friend, who I love to pieces, I mean he is just a male version of me. Here's the catch. He is a bad guy, he sleeps around, he insults everyone, he doesn't want to be tied down, and wants different things to me. He is a bad boy, with a bad attitude. Hot right? I know, and when I was younger I would of ran to him, but yes ladies. It is a heart break waiting to happen. We spend over half of our lives complaining about always being hurt, always being cheated on, always being treated like crap, but how do we get there? We decide to risk it. We decide to play that wild card. When really, we should be listening to our mothers, and playing it safe! So after her tears had dried and she had seen the light at the end of the tunnel I told her this. If you want to risk being hurt, if you want to take that chance in the hope he will change do it. I have and probably will in future, but if not? If you want a relationship where you can tell your friends you have never argued, or that you are always happy, play it safe! I love a guy with intelligence, someone who can challenge me, somone who is witty and charming; but I know, everyone has their flaws! Taking a risk with someones flaws is different, but dating a tiger expecting him to be a kitten? It's not going to happen! Now Jane is off again, looking to the future, and told me you know what? There is some guy that she is interested in, he does like the same colour as her...eurgh I know. So I asked her to tell me about him, and suprise suprise. He is another wild card! Some girls never learn! Of course I advised her against it, maybe to give herself some time, to not rush into anything, but you know how it is. "But he likes yellow! Do you know how hard it is to find a decent guy who likes yellow?! God you just don't get me!" Though of course when it all goes bad once more, I shall be the shoulder she comes to, to cry on. All i'm saying is just think ladies, a bad boy is all fun and games, but at the end of the day if you want your boyfriend to purr then date a kitten, but don't date a tiger and not expect him to scratch.

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