Worst thing for me is that the most important stages in my life were partnered with a CD or a song, so listening to the radio can send me into a frenzy.
Listening to Chris brown, sends me back into the days with my ex. Sitting in the back of my brothers car when we shared our first kiss, hours of phone calls and days out and lots of laughter. When listening to it my brain can't seem to remember the arguments, the lying and the nights of crying. I have no idea why this is, but i'm sure it is true for most of you. Most relationships I have had have been paired with a song, and each one sends me thinking. One song is all it takes.

Although it's great to remember all the good times, music tricks you. A song from an ex relationship will remind you of nothing but good times, and that warm fuzzy feeling you get from listening to it? Well it's a lie. In your head, you know that it is in an ex relationship for a good reason but your heart tells you otherwise. I mean, it's like music is making you think - so many good things happened! Why did you throw it away again? What did you do wrong? Maybe you should text them or something... Ignore it! It's a lie, and that warm fuzzy feeling you have? Well it will vanish the second you realize you have made the mistake of going back. The reason I wrote this, was due to a very good friend pondering. What went wrong? Was it his fault? To my lack of surprise he was listening to their song and over thinking. After a little while of trying to convince him, he finally turned off the song, and saw sense.
So everyone, I think it's time. Pick up your laptop, phone, Ipod, cheap knock off of anything I just said and look at your music list. Go to that song/album that you know only sends you into a meltdown, gets you thinking of them, that you save just in case and press delete. Go on, I'm waiting... Okay. I'm going to have to trust you on this one.
Music is there to bring you back memories or even make you look forward to the future, but lets stick to the positives! If you aren't looking back and smiling, then why are you doing it at all? That warm fuzzy feeling you get, won't last. Save it for something that will make it stick.
Me? Oh I deleted my album a while back. Too many mistakes to think of it again. It has, however been replaced with another. A more happier version and to be quite honest? The fuzzy feeling hasn't left me since.
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