Thursday, 21 March 2013

Over thinking, we all do it!

Looking back through the past, and thinking of all of those things we should of have done is something that will plagues everyone’s mind at some point in their life, the chances we should have taken, the person we should have appreciated a bit more, the friend we should have forgiven or even that party we should have gone to, but is looking back and wondering bad for us?

One of my close friends did this lately with a past love. They had attempted a relationship before, and it had gone relatively well, but they broke after deciding that they didn’t mesh as well as they thought they would. This week however she was faced with a decision. Her past love popped back up to say hey, they always spoke but this time, he confessed that he liked her. Now this led her mind to spiral out of control, thinking of times they had together in the past, the laughter and the fun. Of course she had the nostalgia goggles on, but she spent the entire week thinking.

Now one of the thoughts that crossed her mind was, should she go for it, even after seeing that it didn’t work last time? I suppose this would be a thought that would cross everyone’s mind path at some point in the situation, but what would you choose? They never had any particular problems and they broke up over natural causes, so what was stopping her?

Two words. Over thinking. If you are faced with a decision that could effectively change your future, you will do the normal thing, and over think things. Should I buy that top that will make me broke? Should I take that trip? Should I talk to that person? Or in my friends case?  Should I give it another go? You will sit there all day thinking, wondering, trying to picture what could happen if you took that chance, or even if you didn’t. It sucks, but we all do it. Of course after listening to all of my friends worries and questions, and found out that although she had doubts, she did want to give it a go, and I advised her to do so, but what should the rest of us do in this situation?

Well my first piece of advice is to find someone you trust and tell them your worries, a true friend can tell within seconds what decision you are going to make and can save you a lot of time over thinking, but mostly I say go for it! When it comes to relationships and friendships, something to do with another person I say go for it. What’s the harm in trying? Unless the decision is over something that involves your bank balance, I say take a chance! I’m a big believer in that chances are there to be taken, and you should!
So next time you’re in a jam, take that chance! You never know what might come from it!


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