1. Pewdiepie. You may know him as the you tube gamer, yes the one that screams alot. I think he is absolutely gorgeous and hilarious. I always watch his videos, and basically revolve my day around them. He has had alot of bad comments but I think he is absolutely awesome and I am proud to be one of his 'bro's'.
2. Day9 aka Sean Plott. Some Starcraft players out there may know him as the castor who helps you 'be a better gamer'. He spends all week teaching you new skills and on a Friday he has a 'day off' where he live streams him playing a game of his choice. I am personally not a Starcraft player but I often watch my friend play it, and he introduced me to Day9. Since watching him I have seriously had an odd crush on him, and oddly he has been in many of my dreams. Although come on, admit it he is cute!
3. Duff Goldman. Duff is the founder of a cake shop in Baltimore and is the star of the programme Ace Of Cakes. His laugh is infectious and he is constantly coming up with weird mechanisms he can put in cakes. I have sat for 8 hours straight and all I have watched is his show until I seriously couldn't keep my eyes open. He is so chubby and cute and has helped so many charities in his work and I think it is really admirable.
4. Adam Richman. He is the host of the programme Man Vs Food, and an absolute chubby angel. He is so funny, and I am oddly impressed with his ability to eat so much food! I'm not sure whether it's just him or the fact that he is usually holding gorgeous food, but he is so sweet that he is definantly one of my list.
5. Imhotep. Why? I don't know. I warned you that they were weird! Imhotep is the main villain in The Mummy films, and I have grown up watching them. I'm not sure why but whenever I watch it I always end up grinning evilly at the screen when he does... yes I am aware that makes me weird but I accept this.

7. Bane. The batman villain, played by Tom Hardy. He ...he is... Well he is absolutely gorgeous, and his voice just sends shivers down me. Me and my best friend Megan do share this weird crush, and although some people struggle to catch what he is saying I absolutely love him and I find him stupidly attractive!

Well that is the first part of my weird crush list. Let me know if you want to see more! ...Don't judge me! Crushes aren't meant to make sense, they just happen! ... Okay gregg wallace is weird I accept this... buttery biscuit base...
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