Have you ever noticed how just one event, one comment, one joke can plummet your confidence six feet under? Being bullied for years throughout my education toughened me up, made me be confident as to not let them get to me. My self esteem grew, I actually liked how I looked, how I was, and let me just say. It felt great. I'd roll out of bed, put on whatever, and walk out of the house with my head held high.
Now however, it's a different story. When trust is broken, you start to doubt yourself. Entrusting yourself to someone, being the real you, is a big deal. Choosing not to put on make up one day, deciding to put on your sweats than a skirt or even just opening up about yourself. It's a massive deal! Some people can spend their life caked in makeup, dolled up, constantly looking their best and shut off from the world because it makes them feel confident. If that is what it takes to hold their head up high then they will do it, but if one day someone comes along that they love and trust enough to drop the routine then that shows complete trust. Some spouses say it's because they can't be bothered to make an effort anymore, but it's not that at all. It's trust, and you should never take it lightly.If someone feels confident enough to be their complete self around you then that shows how much you mean to them.
What I absolutely hate is when someone trusts enough to let the mask slip, to be themselves, and it is received with constant jokes and ridicule. Fellas? One joke is enough. Pestering a girl to get naked and making a "jokey insult" when they do isn't funny, it's insulting. You may think you are being funny "teasing" all the time, but it's not. Don't get me wrong, i'm all for teasing when you both know it's a joke but when it's one sided? That's when it is bang out of order.
I'm not biased, it's the same for girls too. Giggling about your man's manhood sizing, or how they look is just as bad. For both sexes, these little "jokes" can be catastrophic against ones confidence. Imagine it's a scab, one scratch is fine, but keep itching and it's going to bleed. Your other half may not be perfect, but if they trust you enough to be themselves, appreciate it, don't mock it. One day may come where you reveal something that hurts to uncover, you wouldn't want them to mock it would you?
Remember! One joke is enough.
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